Mold Testing Services
Mold Testing -- Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Mold Damage Assessment
MTS is often requested to perform damage assessments. These are building where musty odors, water damage and visible mold is obvious and may be extensive. The reason for performing these assessments is to determine the extent of damage and offer recommendations. It may also be helpful to determine the CAUSE of the problem and how to fix it. In many cases only a few rooms or the basement is moldy while the main floor may be unaffected.  Cleaning firms need to know which rooms or floors need to cleaned or contained and where walls, etc. may need to be removed. In mold damaged buildings, AIRBORNE mold may not only be elevated in the problem rooms but may also occur in other rooms or on other floors. High levels of airborne mold are NOT visible to the naked eye and require lab testing.

In a typical damage assessment, we first walk around the building checking for obvious drainage concerns. Inside a building we do a visual walk through looking for obvious water damage or visible mold. We focus attention on problem or suspected problem areas, especially basements. Moisture meters and an infrared camera may be used to spot check walls, etc. 

We collect airborne mold tests (standard undisturbed tests) from both problem and presumed non-problem rooms or floors. This may include 2-3 or more tests in a problem area (usually 2 tests in small basements) and 2-3 or more tests in presumed non-problem areas (often 1-2 tests on a main floor). In some cases, disturbed tests may be warranted (mold often settles out of the air onto surfaces after disturbance and may not be detected where this has occurred in now vacant rooms, etc.

AFTER the airborne mold tests are collected, testing for visible mold and checking behind baseboard,etc can be performed. In some cases, owners may allow walls to be opened up for more accurate assessment. Note: opening up walls may first require containment,etc, especially in occupied buildings.

Depending on the size of the building (and to what extent major problems exist), MTS can provide an economical and quick mold assessment. Initial results and lab tests can often be provided 2-3 days after testing.  The typical damage assessment includes a written report, site sketch and photos. The report includes field observations, moisture meter notes, field IAQ meter readings (relative humidity and carbon dioxide), visible and airborne mold lab analyses, interpretation of the data and conclusions and recommendations. A typical assessment costs about $400-1,000 plus tax plus travel.