Mold Testing Services
Mold Testing -- Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Post Clean-Up Verification
Mold clean-ups, especially when performed improperly, have the potential to stir up very high airborne mold levels. This can pose health concerns. This may also allow the mold from one room to be spread through an entire building. MTS is frequently requested to perform post clean-up mold testing after mold clean-up by cleaning firms. Building owners and banks often insist on such testing.

MTS starts a typical visit by walking around the building to look at the drainage. Inside the building, we typically first collect airborne mold tests from non-problem areas (usually outside of containment). In the problem areas (often inside containment), we first do a visual walk through shining a bright light along cleaned or removed surfaces. We document which surfaces, walls, etc have been removed etc. We collect airborne mold tests inside the problem areas. After collecting the airborne mold tests, we may spot check surfaces with moisture meters and may collect visible mold tests where possible mold spotting may be present. In some cases, we collect tape tests from cleaned surfaces to verify that visible mold is no longer detectable.

Depending on the size of the building (and to what extent major problems exist), MTS can provide an economical and quick mold assessment. Initial results and lab tests can often be provided 2-3 days after testing. The typical damage assessment includes a written report, site sketch and photos. The report includes field observations, moisture meter notes, field IAQ meter readings (relative humidity and carbon dioxide), visible and airborne mold lab analyses, interpretation of the data and conclusions and recommendations. Airborne levels are compared to guidelines developed by MTS. A typical assessment costs about $400-1,000 plus tax plus travel.